Application Server – Server where ERP logic is executed. A distributed ERP installation can have more than one Application Server.
Application Developers - Also known as App Developers. These developers use the ERP tools to develop ERP business application packages such as Financials, Manufacturing, Distribution, Human Resources, etc.
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - Character set used by UNIX & Windows.
BDA – Business view Design Aid. This is the ERP CASE tool which is used to create and modify business views of data. See also FDA, RDA, and TDA.
Blobs – Binary Large OBjectS. A stream of data. Generally this is used as in reference to data structures put together end to end in a stream of data. Blobs may or may not be stored in database tables. For example, most of the TAM data is stored in blobs.
BSFN – Business Functions C code modules written by application developers. This term is used for both individual functions and for the actual C modules, which may contain multiple functions. For example, both b986150.c (the module) and ServerPackageTransfer (the function) will be referred to as business functions in different contexts.
Call Object – Running a business function. Also can be used to mean running a business function on a server. This is the mechanism which allows applications that are running on a client PC to run some set of logic on an enterprise server.
Client Install – A mechanism which installs an ERP Package from the deployment server to a client PC.
CQP – Customer Quality Program. Basically ERP Beta sites.
CRP – Conference Room Pilot. Part of the REP Methodology for going live with ERP. Involves setting up ERP in a pilot environment with options set up like they will be in the production environment.
Cumulative Release – A release containing changes to both system and application code. These releases are cumulative between base releases, i.e. B73.1.2 contains all changes that were done for B73.1.1. Also known as Cumms.
Data Sources – This is the F98611 table which defines how to access either data or servers. Such information as table owner, the connect string, and server name. This is used in conjunction with the OCM or F986101.
Deployment Server – Basically a file server which contains business function source, header, object, and DLL files; TAM specifications, and packages. This is where Object Librarian takes files when they are checked out, and puts them when they are checked in. Client Install takes a package from the deployment server and deploys it to a client PC.
DBCS - Double Byte Character Set. See Double Byte.
Double Byte – Character sets which require two bytes to describe each character, such as Chinese or Japanese.
EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code - Character set used by the AS/400
Enterprise Server – Server where ERP logic is run. This is generally the primary ERP Application Server.
Environment – The set of TAM files, business functions, and data that are used when running ERP. What is in an environment is driven by the path code for the environment, which drives what set of business functions and TAM files are used, and by OCM, which describes where all of the data resides.
ER - Event Rules Specifications that describe what ERP will do when a given event occurs. Stored in the gbrspec TAM file..
Everest – What OneWorld was called internally before the name OneWorld picked. There is code which refers to Everest as well as K2, that other big mountain.
External Service Packs – ERP patches that are delivered to customers.
FDA – Form Design Aid. The ERP CASE tool used to create and modify ERP forms or applications interfaces. See also BDA, RDA, and TDA.
GBR – General Business Rule see Event Rules.
Global Build – The building of all business function objects and DLLs.
Global Table Specs – The specifications ERP needs to access a database table. ERP builds these from a variety of other table specifications as needed. The first time a table is accessed, ERP will build the global table specs for that table.
IFS – Integrated File System on the AS/400. The AS/400 has two types of file systems. The traditional uses a file(member) architecture, while IFS is hierarchical like DOS or Unix.
JDEBASE – The ERP database middleware
JDE – JDEdwards. Named for Jack Thomson, Dan Gregory, and Ed McVaney, the three founders.
JDBNET – The ERP database driver which allows heterogeneous servers to access each other’s data. For example, an AS/400 can access Oracle data on an HP9000 using JDBNET. JDBNET uses JDENET to communicate with other servers.
JDEIPC – This is the interprocess communication APIs within ERP. These functions are platform independent and allow processes to communicate with each other through message queues, shared memory, semaphores, etc.
JDENET – The ERP network middleware. JDENET runs over TCP/IP using sockets.
JITI – Just In Time Install. The retrieval of TAM specifications as they are needed. For example, if a user has installed a partial package and wishes to run an application that was not delivered in the package, ERP will automatically install what it needs to run the application.
JITR – Just In Time Replication. Used primarily for the UDC table. ERP checks to see if a UDC exists in the local Access database, if it is not there, ERP retrieves it from the main database and stores it in the Access database.
kernel – Not an OS kernel, rather the J.D. Edwards ERP foundation code. This is where the database middleware, the caching code, the business function calling mechanism, and other lower level functions are located.
kernel job – One of two types of jdenet processes. Kernel jobs are the processes on an enterprise server that really do the work calling a business function, submitting a UBE, retrieving data, etc. There can be 0 to many kernel jobs running on an enterprise server. The actual executable is jdenet_k.
kernel type – On an ERP application server, kernel jobs of different types can be started. For example, Security Server uses a different kernel type than JDBNET does.
Logic server – This term is often used as a synonym for application server or enterprise server. This phrase would never be used to describe a data-only server.
MBF – Master Business Function. MBFs are large business functions, which are frequently run on application servers.
net job – One of two types of jdenet processes. Net jobs are the processes on the server that handle all of the network communications. There can be 1 to many net jobs running on an enterprise server. The actual executable is jdenet_n.
NLS - National Language Support. ERP supports many national languages and cultural characteristics with a common set of program code. For the user interface, different sets of textual data is used for different languages. For character data sent to and received from different platforms, ERP performs the necessary data conversion to reserve data integrity.
OCM – Object Configuration Manager. This is what drives the “where” of ERP. OCM specifies where database tables are located, where business functions run, and where UBEs run. The OCM table is F986101 and works with the Data Sources table, F98611.
Object Librarian – Also known as OL. The application source code control. Before using any of the design tools, the object that is being worked on must be checked out through Object Librarian. Once the work is completed, the object is checked in through Object Librarian. Object Librarian stores the specifications for the object (TAM) in the relational database tables (RDB). Object Librarian stores business function source, header and object files on the deployment server.
ERP Tools – The ERP CASE tools. See also BDA, FDA, RDA, and TDA. Also can refer to the ERP Tools department, which encompasses much more than just the CASE tools. Basically the ERP Tools group is responsible for all of the “system” code within ERP.
Package – A group a TAM specifications, business functions, an Access database, and ERP system code. There are “full” packages, which include everything you need to run ERP on a client. There are “partial” packages, which include a base of ERP and uses JITI to get anything else needed to run ERP. There are “update” packages, which modify an existing package on a client PC.
Package Build – The application which reads the relational database files (RDB) and writes the TAM index and data files.
Paper Fix – Instructions for modifying an application to fix a bug. Generally, these are sent to customers by the application development groups. The tools group will usually have to send an external service pack to customers.
Path Code – The way TAM specifications, business functions, and local data are grouped. Each path code has its own set of RDB tables in a database and business functions on a deployment server.
PVC – Production Version Control. This is the group responsible for maintaining the source code control system, the environments, and for building the code for production.
RDA – Report Design Aid. This is the ERP CASE tool used to design batch processes or reports (UBEs). See also BDA, FDA, and TDA.
RDB Tables – Confusingly, this does not always refer to all tables in a relational database within the contexts of ERP. Rather, it is referring to the central repository for the TAM files. All TAM files are stored centrally in relational database files. TAM is actually built from these RDB tables in the package build process.
Runtime – The application engine. This is the piece of the system code which drives the applications via event rules that are stored in TAM.
SAR – Software Action Request. The bug tracking software we use. This runs only on the AS/400. Often, especially when working on External Service Packs, a SAR will be required to get code checked into Source Safe.
SAW - Server Administration Workbench. An interface allowing Server administrator to work with Server resources and Server environment on different platforms. A client SAW application allows users to get information about a Server running on a remote host.
SBCS - Single Byte Character Set. Text character sets in which each character can be described with a single character.
Security Server – The ERP server performing sign-on security and database access security. If the security server is not up and running nobody can get into ERP.
Server Package Install – The mechanism used to get TAM and business function updates from Object Librarian to enterprise servers.
Server Map – The OCM and data source tables for an enterprise server.
Snapshot – This is a process which stores an existing ERP installation on a client PC so that a user can run another installation. Snapshot allows the user to quickly and easily switch between versions of J.D. Edwards.
SPC – Software Protection Codes. These are authorization codes which are set up at a customer site as part of the initial install of ERP. Without correct codes, the customer will not be able to install ERP.
Spec Files – See TAM.
Spec Install – Transferring the TAM specifications for a version of a report from a client PC to an enterprise server when that version is being run on a server.
TAM – Table Access Manager. TAM is what our binary specifications are called. TAM specifications drive everything within ERP, the applications, the batch reports, access to the database tables, event rules, business function calls, data structures, etc. There are two components to each TAM type, a data file and an index file. TAM files exist both on the client PCs and the enterprise servers, although not all TAM files are put on the servers.
TBLE – Table An ERP object that stores data.
TC – Table Conversion. An ERP mechanism to convert non-ERP or “foreign” tables to ERP and vice-versa.
TDA – Table Design Aid. The ERP CASE tool used to create and modify database table layout and indexes. See also BDA, FDA, and RDA.
Tools Developers – ERP developers who develop the system code for ERP. This includes the design tools, the various engines, the middleware, etc.
UBE – Universal Batch Engine. This is the ERP report engine. UBEs are driven by TAM specs. UBEs can run on client PCs or on enterprise servers. When it a UBE is submitted to run on a server, often it will be referred to as “launching a UBE”.
UDC – User defined code. A set of valid values for a particular field.
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